Roof of Hafez's Tomb

Roof of Hafez's Tomb

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

More on Zoroastrianism

The significance of the Faravahar, the symbol of Zoroastrianism

1. The figure inside is that of an old man, representing wisdom of age.  
2. There are two wings which have three tiers of feathers. These three tiers symbolize "good thoughts, good words, and good deeds".
3. The lower part of the Faravahar consists of three more tiers of feathers which represent "bad reflections, bad words and bad deeds" --the causes of  misery and misfortune for human beings.  
4. There are two ribbons on each side of Faravahar which symbolize positive forces and negative forces.  The former is directed toward the face and the latter is located at the back. This also indicates that we have to proceed toward the good and turn away from bad. 
5. The ring in the center symbolizes the eternity of the universe or the eternal nature of the soul. As a circle, it has no beginning and no end.  
6. One of the hands points upwards, indicating that there is only one direction to choose in life and that is forward. The other hand holds a ring. Some interpreters consider that as the ring of covenant, representing loyalty and faithfulness--the basis of Zarathustra's philosophy.

Since, the ring of covenant which located in the center of the Faravahar's trunk is the symbol of the immortality of the spirit, it can be inferred that the more human beings try to promote their own Faravahar, the more their spirit will be elevated in heaven after they pass away.

(article from

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